27 Nov 2008


28 , November 2008

= wake up
= go to school
= wait for my Science teacher
= study and did exercise
= recess with Melissa and yenling ( ate my favourite food : NASI LEMAK )
= study again
= recess ( talked with my friend )
= study
= pass up to techer ( homework )
= go to bought Domino pizza ( Aloha chicken and New York pizza )
= eat lunch ( Mmmm........... yummy )
= blogging now

Yeah !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tomorrow is holiday so no need go back to school . And , today is a sad day too , i can't see my friends one month . So , i want say to my friends : HAPPY HOLIDAY and CHRISTMAS !!!!!!!! See you again at 2009 year .

24 Nov 2008


Tuesday , 21 November 2008

= wait up
= go to school
= teacher cheah ( study Chinese and Mathematics )
= study , do karangan
= recess ( eat Nasi Lemak , yummy !!!!!! )

= do karangan
= study
= recess ( eat swiss roll )
= spelling ( Chinese ) all correct get 1000 point , yeah !!!!!!!!
= kuiz ( Chinese ) get 1000 point too
= back home
= chat with yenling and yenning

Today is a wonderful and lucky day , because i get 2000 point for my spelling and kuiz ( lucky ) . Then , teacher give us many homework ( wonderful ) , but my classmate say ohhhhhhhhhhno . Expecially my FRIEND .

22 Nov 2008

About C-box

Do you know how to put the C-box into my blog ? If you know , please write in the comment .

20 Nov 2008


Friday , 21 November 2008

= wait up at 6.30 a.m
= go to school
= go to class and find my black pen ( I forgot to bring back home )
= my teacher come in the class ,then learn chinese also
= study ,then do homework again and again

= recess ,go to canteen with my classmates : yenling and melissa
= go back to class
= study then do homework
= today is Evonne birthday , her mother send the Secret Recipe to our teacher
for a suprise to Evonne
= eat cake
= study Mathematics ( Chinese ) and do Mathematics homework
= go back home
= eat lunch
= bath
= do homework at home

Yeah ,today is Evonne's birthday . Happy birthday to you ,happy birthday to you ,happy birthday to Evonne ,happy birthday to you .And ,thanks Evonne's mother the icecream cake ,it is delicious !

12 Nov 2008


今天我觉得不铪好玩, 因为今天有颁奖典礼 , 所以害到我不能和佩仪一起打羽毛球 . 下课过后 , 我们到集会处去帮忙搬椅子 , 因为明天就是六年级的毕业典礼了. 因此 , 我就很不喜欢当一位六年纪的学生 , 因为到了年尾就要和我的朋友说BYE BYE 了. 过后 , 我们到另一边去休息和玩游戏 . 回到班上时, 谢老师就要颁发另一个礼物-个人分数一,二,三名 , 组别分数 一,二,三名....................... 而我也得到个人分数第二名和组别分数第一名 . 所以 , 今天也得到不少的收获 . 接着 , 老师就要我们提名谁要成为六年级的班长和卫生组长..................... 当老师要我们提名谁要成为六年级的班长后 , 我很想推荐我自己 , 但是我又怕同学们不会投我 . 所以 , 我没有告诉给老师 . 直到放学时 , 我才一五一十地告诉给坐在我隔壁的一位同学 . 那同学说如果我有推荐我自己 , 他一定回投我 . 唉 , 可惜已经太迟了, 因为老师已经选了第二位 , 所以 , 我感到很后悔又闷闷不乐 .


今天是我学校的大扫除 . 老师已交代我们要做的工作 , 可是老师却叫我去抹地 . 天啊 , 我最讨厌的就是抹地 . 然后 , 我就站在门口等他们扫完地 , 我才去抹地 . 我和几位同学一直抹地 , 其实抹地也不会很难吗 . 可能我只是随便抹 . 而, 老师在一旁负责指导我们 . 下课时 , 我看到桌上摆放着许多奖杯 . 原来 , 是要要颁发给其他比赛的奖杯 . 然后 , 司仪就宣布2008年白沙罗华小歌唱比赛的成绩 ..................第四名的是来自5h班的杨韵怡.那时候 , 我很简直快要跳起来了, 因为我太兴奋了.