1 July 2009


Today is the first day of July and that's mean my trial exam will coming soon .Dead...... , but i didn't study anything now .Haha...! my teacher give the 作文 test paper to us .Good news : I score 98.33 and also the high score in my class ,yeah !! I feel so shock that i score the highest mark in my class . I also beat Jian Wei's marks .But , yenling don't tell me the marks of 丙组 ,so sad la . I really don't know why she don't let me know and she score 91.67 ,not bad . The conclusion : Don't know .Tell me why ....

But ,my 总平均 is bad .My science's fault ,get the worst mark to me. So ,now i just get 3 A's 3 B . I'm in the border line and don't want to get 3A's 4B .I just waiting my penulisan result and hope can get A .If not ,i will die ~

Stay at school until 4 p.m because want to practice the dance for what 八十周年庆典 .Very tired now . And , my hands and legs are still pain now . Don't go to school lo ( excuses ) maybe i spell wrong ........

Sayonara !!