我对天主说:让我朋友永远健康快乐!主说:只能四天!我说:好!春天,夏天,秋天,冬天!主说:不行!只能三天!我说:好!昨天,今天,明天!主说:不行!只能两天! 我说:好! 白天,黑夜!主说:不行!只能一天! 我说:好! 在我所有朋友活着的每一天! 主笑了,就说:好!就让你所有的朋友每一天都健康快乐 !
26 Dec 2009
Posted by 杨韵怡的写作天堂 at 3:14 am 0 comments
30 Nov 2009
The graduation trip
Lazy to blogging now..but just want to tell you that i will upload some photo in facebook..=)
Posted by 杨韵怡的写作天堂 at 5:21 am 0 comments
19 Nov 2009
20.11.09 : The Graduation Day and The Day that we apart
To the 6H-ians :
I will miss you guys very much although today we need to be apart. I'm happy that can be the 6H-ians and be friends all of you. You all also give me a lot of happy memories in this three years.
Thanks :
jiaying that be my bodyguard : ZiCong and 'protect' me this few months and help me keep the secrets.
yenling that be my friend and help me at anytimes
Bethany that let me become yr 'angel'
Zhixin that be my 'angel'
The boys who make the class become a famous class in standard 6 and make something that funny.
At last, thanks all of you can be my friend and best friend ..
From Amelia
Posted by 杨韵怡的写作天堂 at 10:53 pm 1 comments
29 Oct 2009
We got visit ZhongHua DuZhong today so i didn't go to practise the dance. ZhongHua is nicer than KunCheng and it also many badminton court, basketball court and... It also will have a swimmming pool at there in next year. Wow..
But, the point is the there are many types of food in canteen, not like our canteen. It is tasty and cheap ( not that 'cheap') .
Evonne and Xinyi eat curry mee.
ShinLim and me eat 干捞mee.
Yenling, SiewThong and Joyi eat nasi lemak.
PeiYi eat ......( don't know what is it )
Walk around the school......
Then, back to school.....
YenLing and me change our clothes and go to The Curve shopping. And, Joyi was late..When we reach there, we don't where to go .I just bought an ice-cream and just walking around and call Joyi faster go to The Curve.
When almost like 3 p.m, me and Yenling havn't eat anything yet so we go to bought a nasi lemak and share it by two of us.
Finally, Joyi had come. We went to karaoke and sang many songs.Spend 2 hours at there.
After that, went to Bothers. When i go to toilet, i heard some funny voice ...
Joyi's father fetch me home. Then, THE END.
Posted by 杨韵怡的写作天堂 at 5:30 am 0 comments
26 Oct 2009
Play volleyball with some girls.Then, wait 8.20 a.m because i got to practice my dance. We keep practice many times but teacher still don't like it, so what should we do ? And the another teacher who teach us dance also didn't come today, we just practice this every Wednesday. Of course it will not that good. So, the teacher keep bla bla bla...Because of this, the teacher want us to practice at ( after the art lesson) again. OMG !! I'm really tired of this.
At that time, a two girls called us go down to practice. But, just got a few people down there.....Finally, the teacher came here.....Saw jiaying and yinjue come down for korean dance...
Posted by 杨韵怡的写作天堂 at 11:54 pm 0 comments
23 Oct 2009
Had celebrate the last Children's Day ( to us ) in our school. I bring some agar-agar to school. Saw many people in class and food but i almost can't find place to sit because i was late.Go down to the hall to watch the performance.
Magic performance: Quite bored because it didn't have special thing happen.
Sing the national songs: I didn't sing because i'm lazy.Can't get it why must sing national songs at Children's Day.
Sing songs ,
part 1 : ( by Amrita and the standard 5 guy ) quite funny because the standard 5 guy got to look at the paper and sing.
part 2 : ( by the teachers ,headmaster and..) i like the teacher's voice and she also sing very good.But, when is the turn of headmaster, i feel that he sing....very 'well'.
part 3 : ( 手牵手 by Amrita and Lee Khang ) nice...
And manymanykmanymanymanymanymany more...
Back to class and started eating food. I forced yenling and peiyi to eat the agar-agar, quite sorry for them.
After that, the boys cleaned up the class and the girls stayed out the class talking or..
Teacher let us to play by ourselves and she go to office. The boys keep playing the plastic bag that have rubbish inside. Of course, it was very noisy. Go down with yenling to ask teacher something about the graduation trip.
It was good that the guys can go to shopping or watch movie. I didn't go shopping because they didn't invite me and feel like don't want to go watching movies. Wait my mother at door 5 and she was late to fetch me. So, i keep walking around or look here and there and do nothing.
Posted by 杨韵怡的写作天堂 at 5:21 am 0 comments
21 Oct 2009
I didn't go for P.E because i want to go 坤成独中 and don't want stay at class. So, the P.E teacher let the student that go to the school stay in class. Wait until 7.30 a.m, we went down stairs and go there by bus.
It is quite hot in our bus because it didn't have air cone ( is it spell like that ? ) .But, quite fun. When we on the bus, we found that we didn't have place so we got to sit together. It is very uncomfortable sit like that.
Finally, we reach the school. The teachers ( from our school ) bring us to the hall. Then, a teacher from their school had talked many things from their school and let us to watched some videos.
After that, some student bring us to walk around the school. The school is very big because it have kindergarten, primary and secondary school.
Science lab: Saw the animals body that keep in a bottle and a skeleton on the table.
Computer room : Watch some video that are funny.
And many many more...
When we pass by some classes, many students said hi to us..quite friendly..Then, i heard a English teacher said to her student int eh class : Behave yourself. It like Madam Lee.
Back to the hall and eat some bread. Then, back to school.
When we arrive our school, the teachers let us to eat something in canteen. Saw Suemin went back class already ,so i quickly finish my food and back to class.
Folding paper stars with jiaying and chamay and keep laughing at there.
Things that i do tomorrow :
~Have a basketball match with boys
~ Folding paper stars
Things that i hope tomorrow :
~ Can win in the basketball match
Posted by 杨韵怡的写作天堂 at 4:30 am 0 comments
20 Oct 2009
Heyy..Do you know that ? Today is JIAYING'S BIRTHDAY. Happy Birthday..!! And love you as a best friend.
Want to volleyball but the 6M student had took it. So, it doesn't have volleyball. But, we found a ball that not good and make my hand pain. But, peiyi and yenling joined 6M student to play volleyball. The ball makes my hand feel pain so i just joined 6M student.The 6M student got to rest and the girls joined us to play too.
After a while, the boys want to joined us. But, i don't feel like playing that time because a girl that makes me feel annoying.
Go and see the guys playing basketball with the 6U.
When i back to class, xinwei told me that i didn't gave back the storybook: Secret Meeting to the library. Change my clothes in toilet and back to class, know that is recess. So, i ran to library to check for it. But, the teacher said let me eat first, then come back to library. I keep running up and down and makes me feel tired.
Nothing to do in class, so i use the paper to fold some star and put in a glass ( something like that ). Then, jiaying want me to teach her how to fold the star. After that, chamay also joined us too. We keep talking and fold the star. But, teacher said that we( all 6H student ) are noisy and don't let us to play anymore. But, we can read storybooks only.
Jiaying goes to Korean dance and i was so lonely sitting there. I fell bored reading storybooks at that time. Chamay come to my place and talk to me but it is the time that i got to back home now.
Having lunch with my aunt. My aunt told me that the album that i want, the shop didn't sell this album. If you want, you got to book from the shop. What ?! My god..
Thing that i will do tomorrow :
~Will go to 坤成 tomorrow, Wee..
~ maybe i will fold some star again if have time
Things that i hope now :
~ can book the album
~ won't be lonely again
~ jiaying will like the present that i give her
Posted by 杨韵怡的写作天堂 at 1:59 am 0 comments
10 Oct 2009
My mum bring me to Putrajaya to do IC.
' Why we got to go Putrajaya to do IC, that is very far..' said *
' Because I don't know where is the place that near our house and can do IC' said /
* me / my mum
Actually, my mum don't know how to go Putrajaya, but luckily we reached Putrajaya only.
There are many buildings are very nice. Because there are many buildings, so my mum don't which building that do IC. So, we decided to ask people at there, but...those people give us the wrong way.
Luckily, there is a police walk by and we ask him .
10.00 a.m.........
11.00 a.m.......
We spend 3 hours at there because the hospital that i borned have no any record. So, the uncle got to call the hospital and make the record at there..-.-
After that, my mum want to change her address, so it also took a few minutes.
Last, today is XiDian's birthday... Happy Birthday, XiDian..
Posted by 杨韵怡的写作天堂 at 4:05 am 0 comments
8 Oct 2009
Heyy...today is my birthday..Woo..!! A girl born in a hospital at Sandakan,Sabah in 1997. And now she is 12...But, this is her last year that can hear her friends in standard 6 wish her happy birthday. She hope that her friends will wish her in her every birthday and remember that a friend name Amelia that her birthday is 9.10.09
Anyway, she thanked to the people who wish her happy birthday...
Posted by 杨韵怡的写作天堂 at 10:00 pm 0 comments
5 Oct 2009
Posted by 杨韵怡的写作天堂 at 6:21 am 0 comments
3 Oct 2009
今年是2009年;今天也是中秋节。于是,我便和妈妈,姑姑和弟弟下去一起庆祝中秋节。当我提着灯笼的时候,一开始觉得很无聊,没有什么好玩,可能是年龄的问题吧,连我弟弟也拿了他的游戏机下去玩。可是,过了一阵子,我才发觉其实还挺有乐趣的。我心里想,现代的孩子已变了,不像在 我妈妈口中所说他的年代一样。那时候,他们每逢一过节日,就会很高兴地着灯笼,在外面一边吃着月饼,一边赏月。可是,现在的孩子还会提着灯笼或赏月吗?我想大部分的孩子正在玩电脑或游戏机吧。或许,还有一些人像我一样觉得很无聊吧。
Posted by 杨韵怡的写作天堂 at 6:31 am 0 comments
30 Sept 2009
1.10.09 Tagged by Zhixin
1. What do you say to yourself every morning?
Today it will be a good day..
2. What do you want other people to say about you?
You are friendly
3. Someone asked you out, your answer is...
No problem
4. How would you answer a booty call?
No, thanks
5. How would you introduce yourself to someone you really like?
Said something that about my life
6. To someone you dislike?
7. You're in a conversation and you suddenly feel the need to pee, how would you excuse yourself?
Excuse me, i got to go toilet now
8. Your parents ask you why you got home late, you say...
Erm.. discuss homework with friends..
9. You're failing a subject, you say...
My God..
10. The love of your life asks you to marry him/her, what do you
I think for it
11. Your bf/gf is breaking up with you, you tell him/her...
12. Someone told you you're an asshole, you tell them...
Bla bla bla..
13. What are the best words to describe you?
14. If you're going to have a movie about your life, the title is...
15. Your last words before you die...
16. Your message to a special someone..
You make me crazy..
17. Title of this post will be..
Tagged by Zhixin
Posted by 杨韵怡的写作天堂 at 10:30 pm 0 comments
Me, Xinyi, Chenern and Evonne had took part a singing competition that held in our school. When the competition had end, my teacher let me see the marks..
Me: 79% - the sixth place..so sad
Xinyi: 83% - the fourth place..Heyy.. congratulatuions..!!
- Lazy to type anymore- bb..
Posted by 杨韵怡的写作天堂 at 3:55 am 0 comments
18 Sept 2009
Can somebody tell me is it friends is better than family..??
Posted by 杨韵怡的写作天堂 at 6:16 am 0 comments
16 Sept 2009
Today, is my Top ?? worst and saddest day, because i had receive many bad news and makes me feel so sad..Hopw everything it would be fine..
Posted by 杨韵怡的写作天堂 at 5:58 am 0 comments
I had post some photo in Facebook, please go and have a look..=)
Posted by 杨韵怡的写作天堂 at 5:05 am 0 comments
13 Sept 2009
A wonderful birthday party that had been celebrate in our class. It have clowns and many balloons that decorate by some other students.
Okay, i'm just want to said that if a person that don't want to do something, please don't force it and use 'that' way to call the person to do it, like ----- -- . Although i don't know who have the idea to have a clown in the birthday party, but i felt that you use 'that' way to want ( him/her ) to be a clown like that, it is very ....and the party is a bit exaggerate.
*I'm sorry, ( to the person who want to celebrate the party to your friend ) that i said this like that, but i hope you that this just my idea. If you really don't like it or i misunderstand you , you can just scolded me in the chat-box or at class. I don't mind..
Posted by 杨韵怡的写作天堂 at 11:12 pm 0 comments
10 Sept 2009
Can't believe that my Pemahaman is better than my Chinese ( choose )...=(
My Pemahaman : 83 % It is the first time that i get this score because if my Pemahaman get A, it is 80% only.
My Chinese : 80% but at least can get A, hope that my last question will correct, if not i will get 83% because i hate border line and i want to get a better score. Hehe..
So, i get 2 A's now..Wee....
Posted by 杨韵怡的写作天堂 at 11:40 pm 0 comments
Today, my father and I had celebrated a 'early birthday'. It is a tiramisu cake. Actually, we had took some photo es but it not nice, so i didn't post it. I choose this day because i'm 9th October but if you look like this it like my birthday date.
Yeahh..!! UPSR ie end and never have this exam in my life. But, it have what SPM or PMR..so sad..And, my teacher said i get 2 A's at Chinese ( choose ) and Pemahaman. So, now i get 2 A's ..
And i can't go to school tomorrow because .....
The 3 wishes that i wish in my 'early' birthday is :
1. Hope all my friends can have a good result in every exam, but it also included me..hehe..
2. Hope my family can be healthy and happu every year.
3. -privacy-
Posted by 杨韵怡的写作天堂 at 5:56 am 0 comments
8 Sept 2009
This is the first time and last time have UPSR in my life and today is the first day of UPSR.
At the morning, my mother boiled two steam eggs to me for breakfast.Hehe...And, i late to school.=( Because i thought before 8 a.m must go to school, but i wonder why everybody thought me that i watch movie last night..=_='''
Actually, UPSR is not that scary lo...but some of them quite easy
To me :
Pemahaman : maybe can get A
Penulisan : 40% can get A and 60% get B
Matha (2 ) : It is easy than ABC so 99.99999 & can get A
The penulisan of SJK is hard, expeciallly the Bahagian B. Hope it can get A =)
Posted by 杨韵怡的写作天堂 at 2:25 am 0 comments
5 Sept 2009
Today, my family went to Cineleisure to watch a movie : Up with # 3D . It is very expensive because we choose the 3D . My mother said she want the card because she thought when we watch every movie , it can buy 3 and free 1 ticket. But, when we had bought the card, the girl said that it just for bnirthday only. -.-... but it have discount when you buy everything. So, the ticket's price cost RM70.
After we got the tickets, we go down and bought some ice-cream. I bought a Mcflurry Oreo because i love Oreo.
And i also met Rachael at there too.
There are many movie from Disney that is 3D and it also very interesting. But, the movie that we watched, the story is not very interesting but it quite funny. It said about that an old man's wife want to went a place at the sky but when his wife dead, her wife wishes have not come true. So, the old man made many balloons on the house and .....
After that, we went to a restaurant to have a lunch. But, the food is not that good and is cost Rm70.
' Wahh..the chef cooked the food like that also can open a restaurant ahh...' said *
' I don't know..' said #
* is my father
# is me
We went to Popular to bought 2B pencil , sharpener, a disc that have music in it for my birthday present and a ben 10 book for my brother. My father and I want to celebrate both birthday at October but he can't come back at October. So, we will have a 'early birthday' just for me and my father.And everything cost RM 89.50
Went to Cold Storage to bought salmon for dinner with my aunt. Yummy, can't wait it..
Wish all standard6 student can have a good result in UPSR. Gambateh..!!
Posted by 杨韵怡的写作天堂 at 2:11 am 0 comments
3 Sept 2009
4. 9.09
After recess, we got to gathering at a place that we assembly. My number is BK6043014 and jiaying is BK6043017. So, we are the same class :4B. Luckily, that jiaying same class with me if not i will be so lonely like yenling.
When we gathering at there, i look at my friend and ------- said that i'm looking ( a person ). I was very mad on it. I feel that she very childish and 无聊. I just looking at my friend only but she said i'm looking ( a person ).
Yeahh..!! I've have a new car -Avanza. It is better than my o ld car..Woo..
Posted by 杨韵怡的写作天堂 at 10:13 pm 0 comments
29 Aug 2009
Yesterday, my mother, brother and I went to a birthday party and having barbecue. Yummy..!! When, 11.00 p.m ,my mother said they we will stayed at my aunt house for 1 night because it is late now for back home.
But, I forgot to close my computer.
Me and my mother wear my aunt's clothes and my brother wear somebody clothes because we didn't bring any clothes. But, it is quite fun too. There have some movies in the computer, PS3 and PSP. I watch Angel and Demons in my aunt's computer but my brother play PS3.
The movies is very nice.It show many church in that place and many statue. My cousin had read that book by Dan Brown but she said it is too hard for me to understand the book, so she want me to watch movie.
When I come back, I quickly go to my room to look my computer. Luckily, it didn't happen anything.Phew~.. So, I continued my series : 恶作剧2吻 ..Haha..
Posted by 杨韵怡的写作天堂 at 11:49 pm 0 comments
25 Aug 2009
I don't want talk about the graduation trip anymore. It makes me very mad about it. Teacher comes in and said that the trip will be canceled, it because the H1N1. Hate it...!!
UPSR left 2 weeks only. But, i didn't do any revision, because i will feel boring when i do those revision.
We got jingxiuban that start from this Monday. =( And, we also got Malay lesson. Boring..!! I spend 4 hours and 30 minutes to have the Malay lesson. We just do some paper that from every state . Jason fall asleep during the class and cikgu don't want we wake him up. Haha..
Today, me peiyi zhixin and bethany stand there for a few minutes, because we keep talking and laughing at there. We are talking about 西游记 character. We also pretend some character from the story, like peiyi is 狐狸精 and zhixin is 蜘蛛精. But, what is the character of me and bethany..?? Just guess it.
Although we stand there, but we feel it is fun. We also keep talking or laughing at there. Luckily, ckigu let us to sit down. And, we sit back our own place.
Posted by 杨韵怡的写作天堂 at 12:12 am 0 comments
Labels: a boring malay lesson, and bethany), graduation trip, me, the memories when satandard six ( peiyi, zhixin
12 Aug 2009
My kind of guy ( Tagged by Wengmun )
Now, here's what you're supposed to do, and please do not spoil the fun. Copy and paste this into your notes, delete my answers, type in your answers and tag 20 of your friends here in facebook to answer this. Then see what happens.
if you a guy- post this as "My kind of girl"
if your a girl- post it as "My kind of boy"
1. Do you need him/her to be good looking?
• yes..
2. Smart?
• Yes.
3. Preferred age?
• Older then me.
4. Preferred height?
• Taller than me.
5. How about sense of humor?
• yup
6. How about piercings?
• no way
7. Accepts you for who you are?
• Of course
8. Pink hair?
• No..
9. Mushy or no?
• Not really
10. Thin or fat?
• Not too thin and fat
11. Black, Brown or White (skin color)?
• White
12. Long hair or short hair?
• short
13. Plastic or metal?
14. Smells good?
• Yes =)
15. Smoker?
• No way
16. Drinker?
• no
17. Girl/Boy-next-door type?
• ..
18. Muscular?
• Not really
19. Plays piano?
• Yes. =]
20. Plays bass and/or acoustic guitar?
• watever
21. Plays violin?
• not really like it
22. Sings very good?
• if he can
23. Vain?
With glasses ?
• yup
25. With braces?
• not really
26. Shy type?
• No...
27. Rebel or good boy/girl?
• Prefer good boy
28. Active or passive?
• Mixed.
29. Tight or bomb?
• ...
30. Singer or dancer?
• watever
31. stunner?
• ...
32. Hiphop?
• let me think about it..
33. Earrings?
• of course no
34. Mr/Ms. count-my-ex-girlfriends/boyfriends-until-you-drop?
• Noo.
35. Dimples?
• yes
36. Bookworm?
• not really
37. Mr/Ms. love letter?
• um...
38. Playful?
• not really
39. Flirt?
• Nope.
40. Poem writer?
• no..
41. Serious?
• at wad...
42. Campus crush?
• Maybe...i think
43. Painter?
• maybe not
44. Religious?
• ...
45. Someone who likes to tease people?
• No way...hate it..
46. Computer games geek? Or internet freak?
• no..
47. Speaks 20 languages?
• That's too many
48. Loyal or faithful?
• Both
49. good kisser
• Sure.
50. loves children??
• Of course..
Posted by 杨韵怡的写作天堂 at 1:07 am 0 comments
1 Aug 2009
Tagged by Weng Mun
You are required to answer ALL the following questions.
Tag more than 20 people and repost it with the title:
I've done __ out of the 108 stupid things.
Level 1
( ) Smoked A Cigarette
( ) Smoked A Cigar
( ) Kissed A Member Of The Same Sex
( ) Drank Alcohol
Level 2
(X) Am / Been In Love
Level 4
(x) Had A Crush On An Older Person
(x) Skipped School
( ) Slept With A Co-worker
( ) Seen Someone / Something Die
Level 5
(x) Had / Have A Crush On One Of Your Facebook Friends
( ) Been To Paris
( ) Been To Spain
(X) Been On A Plane
( ) Thrown Up From Drinking
Level 6
(X) Eaten Sushi
( ) Been Snowboarding
( ) Met Someone BECAUSE Of Facebook
( ) Been in a Mosh Pit
Level 7
( ) Been In An Abusive Relationship
( ) Taken Pain Killers
(X) Love/loved Someone Who You Cant Have
( ) Laid On Your Back And Watched Cloud Shapes Go By
( ) Made A Snow Angel
Level 8
( ) Had A Tea Party
(X) Flown A Kite
( ) Built A Sand Castle
( ) Gone mudding
(X) Played Dress Up
Level 9
( ) Jumped Into A Pile Of Leaves
( ) Gone Sledging
(X) Cheated While Playing A Game
(X) Been Lonely
(X) Fallen Asleep At Work / School
SO FAR: 12
Level 10
(X) Watched The Sun Set
( ) Felt An Earthquake
( ) Killed A Snake
SO FAR: 13
Level 11
(X) Been Tickled
( ) Been Robbed / Vandalized
( ) Been cheated on
(X) Been Misunderstood
SO FAR: 15
Level 12
( ) Won A Contest
( ) Been Suspended From School
( ) Had Detention
(X) Been In A Car / Motorcycle Accident
SO FAR: 16
Level 13
( ) Had / Have Braces
( ) Eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one night
( ) Danced in the moonlight
SO FAR: 16
Level 14
(X) Hated The Way You Look
( ) Witnessed A Crime
( ) Pole Danced
(X) Questioned Your Heart
(X) Been obsessed with post-it-notes
SO FAR: 19
Level 15
( ) Squished Barefoot Through The Mud
(X) Been Lost
( ) Been To The Opposite Side Of The World
( ) Swam In The Ocean
(X) Felt Like You Were Dying
SO FAR: 21
Level 16
( ) Cried Yourself To Sleep
(x) Played Cops And Robbers
(X) Recently Colored With Crayons / Colored Pencils / Markers
(X) Sang Karaoke
( ) Paid For A Meal With Only Coins
SO FAR: 24
Level 17
(X) Done Something You Told Yourself You Wouldn't
(X) Made a Prank Phone Call
(X) Laughed Until Some Kind Of Beverage Came Out Of Your Nose
( ) Kissed In The Rain
SO FAR: 27
Level 18
(X) Written A Letter To Santa Claus
( ) Watched The Sun Set/ sun rise With Someone You Care/Cared About
(X) Blown Bubbles
( ) Made A Bonfire On The Beach or anywhere
SO FAR: 29
Level 19
( ) Crashed A Party
( ) Have Traveled More Than 5 Days With A Car Full Of People
( ) Gone Rollerskating / Blading
(x) Had A Wish Come True
( ) Been Humped By A Monkey
SO FAR: 30
Level 20
( ) Worn Pearls
( ) Jumped Off A Bridge
(X) Swore at the teacher, in front of them
( ) Swam With Dolphins
SO FAR: 31
Level 22
( ) Got Your Tongue Stuck To A Pole/Freezer/ice Cube
( ) Kissed A Fish
( ) Worn The Opposite Sex's Clothes
( ) Sat On A Roof Top
SO FAR: 31
Level 23
(x) Screamed At The Top Of Your Lungs
( ) Done / Attempted A One-Handed Cartwheel
( ) Talked On The Phone For More Than 6 Hours
( ) Recently stayed Up for a while talking to someone you care about.
SO FAR: 32
Level 24
( ) Picked And Ate An Apple Right Off The Tree
( ) Climbed A Tree
( ) Had/Been In A Tree House.
(X) Been scared To Watch Scary Movies Alone.
SO FAR: 33
Level 25
(X) Believed In Ghosts
( ) Have had More Then 30 Pairs Of Shoes
( ) Gone Streaking
( ) Visited Jail
SO FAR: 34
Level 26
( ) Played Chicken
( ) Been Pushed into a pool with all your clothes on
( ) Been Told You're Hot By A Complete Stranger
( ) Broken A Bone
(X) Been Easily Amused
SO FAR: 35
Level 27
( ) Caught A Fish Then Ate It Later
( ) Made A Porn Video/got asked to make one
( ) Caught A Butterfly
(X) Laughed So Hard You Cried
(X) Cried So Hard You Laughed
SO FAR: 37
Level 28
( ) Mooned/Flashed Someone
( ) Had Someone Moon/Flash You
( ) Cheated On A Test
(X) Forgotten Someone's Name
( ) French Braided Someones Hair
( ) Gone Skinny Dipping
( ) Been Kicked Out Of Your House
(X) Tried to hurt yourself
SO FAR: 39
Level 29
( ) Rode A Roller Coaster
( ) Went Scuba-Diving/Snorkeling.
( ) Had A Cavity
( ) Black-Mailed Someone.
( ) Been Black Mailed
SO FAR: 39
Level 30
(X) Been Used
(X) Fell Going Up The Stairs
( ) Licked A Cat
( ) Bitten Someone
( ) Licked Someone
SO FAR: 41
Level 31
( ) Been shot at/or at gunpoint
( ) Had sex in the rain
( ) Flattened someones tires
( ) Rode your car/truck until the gas light came on
( ) Got five dollars or less worth of gas
Total: 41
Posted by 杨韵怡的写作天堂 at 2:48 am 0 comments
28 July 2009
Long time didn't update my blog, and some people who want me to update my blog. Actually, i didn't update because i was so busy and have another exam again ( excuses )
is LAZY..Haha.At lest,have people see my blog.
So....the third exam will be start on next week. I'm so tired for those exam because gonna do many revision and homework..Hate it..
I just told my mother that i can't stay it anymore.. because there is many exam and teachers gave me those test paper from the different state of school, this will make me have 压力. So, i will sleep at class sometimes when i finish my work .Luckily, teacher didn't notice it..
And still have some song of the music can't find it. But,luckily got Jiaying's help. I afraid i will bother her .So sorry to her.
Yesterday, got the 棒叔叔 came to our school. Actually. he is quite funny, but this time he was change..He keep scolding the student who keep talking .At first, a few of them from our class were been catched .I think the teacher will have a bad 印象 from our class but never mine ...
Got to do homework now .....BB
Thanks for the people who visit my blog .
Posted by 杨韵怡的写作天堂 at 5:35 am 0 comments
13 July 2009
When i go in the class, everybody feel that i change my hair style.Some of them feel is nice, but too me is weird... I think i suppose do not change this hair style but who can tell me the way to change back .
At music class, teacher call us to sing the song that we choose. But, the song is not suitable for me... So, i got to choose another song.... I hope that teacher can let me choose back the songs in standard five.
Cikgu Effindi give us the SK penulisan and discuss it. Wish can get A ...
Have wad 讲座会 at the afternoon.. That is so boring... So, i just keep talking with huiyin and xinwey . At least, i have pay a bit attention at there.
Last, Jiaying THANKS VERY MUCH !!!! ( x1,000,000,000,000 ) I love you ...as a great great friend ..Hehe....
Posted by 杨韵怡的写作天堂 at 12:55 am 0 comments
8 July 2009
Uh-oh, the second trial exam will be start at few days, r u all ready guys ? Actually, i haven't do any revision yet .Haha .....
Have volleyball at P.E, me, yenling, xinyi, racheal n ......as a team. My hand is very pain now. But, xinyi is so pro at this, she didn't learn this n she is better than me like peiyi .I didn't play volleyball since i didn't go to the volleyball at standard five with peiyi .So, i just know a bit only, not very well, but XINYI IS TOO PRO !!
Have curriculum, saw jiaying n wen sze saw me dancing .I don't what will happen tomorrow, i think many body would laugh at me. Peiyi also saw it .=(
---finish lo ----
Posted by 杨韵怡的写作天堂 at 2:35 am 0 comments
6 July 2009
AT Science class ,i wanna sleep already because teacher just keep asking question ,nothing happen . But Leon is the last who stand there and he don't know any answer of the question .
When i give a paper with my photos to teacher cheah ,Jia Ying saw my ugly photos ,Jiaying ............ !!! And we also crazy . We keep singing By2's songs many times . But teacher don't know that we're singing ,but few of them know only .
Cikgu give us to do the SK paper . The first ,i think that i get C or B , no A .But, when i do the paper, it is a bit easy to me, then i get 77.5% ,but then cikgu said the last question can put the two answer . So ,i get 80% ,Woohoo .... That is the same marks with my the first trial exam pemahaman marks .
At last , i can't control myself now :
我知道你还是爱着我,虽然分开的理由我们都已接受,你知道我会有多难过,所以其实到最后还微笑着要我加油 ..
Ok ,the last one :
Don't ...Don't go awaayyyy ,我还舍不得你不要走 ,Don't....don't go awaayyy....
---finish-------- Thank you ,pls give a clap ........
Posted by 杨韵怡的写作天堂 at 2:44 am 0 comments
4 July 2009
Quite boring today because just doing homework ,homework and homework .......But ,my aunt bring us to shopping at 金河 .
Saw By2 at there and they sing some songs ,i heard somebody said they are so childish and .... But ,i like their song ,especially 我知道 . I always sing this song with Jiaying at the class . Too bad ,that Jiaying can't see them ...
Posted by 杨韵怡的写作天堂 at 6:56 am 0 comments
3 July 2009
I get my penulisan result today .I get 80% ,luckily i get A ,if not i will get 3A's4B .
So ,i just get 4A's 3B only .......Bad , right ? If my Chinese Li jie didn't get B ,i think i can get 5A's . Actually , i wanted get 5A's to give my dad a surprise ,and tell him that his daughter is very pro , haha ... But ,it gone . =(
So ,i want to thanks to my Malay teacher to give me the good marks ,especially the section C : Nilai murni .That is the first time that i get 17 .Woohoo ...!!
When i am doing my homework ,i want to get my computer dic to fine the word .But ,i find my bag , it is not in it .I almost crying that time , then my mother come in and asks : What happen to you ? Make the room so messy ,you crazy arr ...?? Then , i told to my mum that i can't find my computer dic .Then , she said : Oh .... your brother just now playing that thing and left in the car . What the hell .... Addison Yong Bo Xuan !!!!!!!! All your fault ...... At least,i didn't loss it if not my mum and dad will kill me . Hehehe ,addison you will die today . Muahahaha ... am i evil ?
At last, i want to tell my friends that get B and C in the penulisan at my class .You two no need to be so sad la ...... I think you two can do better than me when UPSR . Gambade ! xD ( Smiley face ,copy from Jiaying )
Posted by 杨韵怡的写作天堂 at 3:23 am 0 comments
1 July 2009
Today is the first day of July and that's mean my trial exam will coming soon .Dead...... , but i didn't study anything now .Haha...!
So.....today my teacher give the 作文 test paper to us .Good news : I score 98.33 and also the high score in my class ,yeah !! I feel so shock that i score the highest mark in my class . I also beat Jian Wei's marks .But , yenling don't tell me the marks of 丙组 ,so sad la . I really don't know why she don't let me know and she score 91.67 ,not bad . The conclusion : Don't know .Tell me why ....
But ,my 总平均 is bad .My science's fault ,get the worst mark to me. So ,now i just get 3 A's 3 B . I'm in the border line and don't want to get 3A's 4B .I just waiting my penulisan result and hope can get A .If not ,i will die ~
Stay at school until 4 p.m because want to practice the dance for what 八十周年庆典 .Very tired now . And , my hands and legs are still pain now . Don't go to school lo ( excuses ) maybe i spell wrong ........
Sayonara !!
Posted by 杨韵怡的写作天堂 at 1:46 am 0 comments
19 June 2009
Yenling told me got spot check .My god ,i got bring my phone .Jason ,Jian wei ,bethany ..... also bring their phone too .So ,we keep thinking how to hide our phone and don't let teacher .
Jian wei said can hide in the storeroom but some other student got hide their phone in there and their teacher know it .So ,we hide the phone into the firehose room .Luckily, he is short if not we don't know how to put in it .When the lesson is start ,we keep quiet so that teacher don't know .
When almost recess ,jian wei pretend got stomache and go to the toilet .So ,he take his pencil box to get the phone .After that ,he give us the phone .
After recess , yenling said that a girl at 6m hide her phone into her singlet .Haha ,this is not a good way . Then ,wei jenn take a plastic bag to put our phone in there and pass it to kye li's brother .But ,when science class , 6j's teacher come in our class with a plastic bag .OMG ! I afraid she will don't give back us the phone at that time .But , she let us to get back our phone but must write down our name ,phone number n something else .The most embarrassed thing is the teacher take my phone and ask the class whose phone is this ?? I answer the phone is mine .OMG ,now everybody know that is my phone .
At first ,we want teacher to spot check us ,but i didn't think it will be found out by the 6j's teacher .I thought that it will be safe but yenling said maybe he will caught by some other teacher .I think yenling is write .
Posted by 杨韵怡的写作天堂 at 12:26 am 0 comments
Labels: spot check
17 June 2009
OMG ! 24.6.09 is my shool 预考 .Bad la ,i havn't study anything yet .I think i got to study later .
Today have 体育节 . It is quite boring to me today. Teacher always want us to play basketball , badminton and ...... .But the important thing is she don't let us to rest for a while .So ,when i play basketball . I just stand there and run a bit to catch the ball to pretend that i'm playing basketball .I just thinking that my parents let me go to Singapore or not so i have no mood for playing basketball .
Actually ,i can give the fee earlier but my father afraid that the bus have accident and my mother said maybe my dad will come back when i holiday so that we can go to Genting or what .But ,i explain to my mother and she don't let me .At class ,i also keep thinking that thing and didn't hear what does teacher said .But ,at least i have a bit attention to teachers .Finally ,my dad said can let me go .Woohoo !!
After recess ,me ,yenling ,ying jue ,cha may n evonne go to the 会议室抽签 .My number is nine .My God ,nine !? And Yenling's number is five .So ,she will earlier than me .Hehe .
This few days have happen something in my class .I think this is the most seriously thing in my class . It is ...................... ( bla bla bla ) I think everybody know this news .And teacher want us to write down that who know this thing and what we have 隐瞒 something to teacher .Then ,i juz wrote down .I think everybody was talking this topic .
K ,finish
- bb -
Posted by 杨韵怡的写作天堂 at 3:22 am 0 comments
7 June 2009
Tag by Yenning
Tag ten people. I pick...
1. Gary Hiew
2. Rachael
3. Jia Ying
4. Pei Yi
5. Jocelyn Yap
6. Jian Wei
7. Shin lim
8. Yenling
9. Shack Yee
10. Jason
a. Say something about no.1.
Answer : A friend at Sabah
b. Would you go out with no.2?
Answer : Yup ,we went out before
c. What will happen if no.3 and 4 get together?
Answer : What!? They will be lesbian
d. How do you know no.5?
Answer : Schoolmate
e. Describe no.7.
Answer : A good and kind girl
f. What if no.6 dated no.10?
Answer : Wow ,it will be the first gay at our class
g. Who is no.8 going out with?
Answer : Dunno ,maybe a person that she like or her friends .....
h. How old is no.9?
Answer : 12 ,same as me
i. Where is no.4 studying at the moment?
Answer : Same school and the same class with me
j. What if no.1 and 2 get into a fight?
Answer : Huh ?? it can't be .
k. Is no.6 single?
Answer : Dunno , maybe
l. Is no.9 a guy or gal?
Answer : Gal
m. What if no.3 and 10 goes out with you?
Answer : Uh .... Jason ?? I think he will not go out with me .
Posted by 杨韵怡的写作天堂 at 10:29 pm 0 comments
30 May 2009
17 May 2009
= wait up at 7.00 a.m
= went to school to meet Pei Yi and Joyi
= go to 1U
= go to Speedy and meet Yenling
= eat burger for breakfast Mcdonald
= go shopping
= look for the shoes but not nice
= went to a jewelry shop ,bought a pair of earrings ,it costs RM 20
= go to another jewelry shop too
= walk around ......
= look for some clothes at In Base
= Yenling try a shirt ,everybody said tat she is so sexy ,haha !
= spend many times to find a restaurant to eat lunch
= finally ,we go to a restaurant that have Japanese food
= take some photo
= we take some 大头贴
= me and yenling also take some ,we both sponser RM 10
= Pei yi got to go cause she have chest class ,so Joyi's mother shopping with us
= buy a Pokemon disc for my brother ,cost RM 10
= buy a present to Pei yi ,cost Rm 5
= go to Girls shop ,i want to buy a the pencil box at there ,but i spend too much money at my things , so i didn't buy it . =(
= go to Popular to buy the Teacher's day present
= Joyi's mother fetch us to back home
Today ,i spend 45 ringgit in 1U . =(
Posted by 杨韵怡的写作天堂 at 2:20 am 0 comments
Ghetto !
What do you have:
[x] Mother
[x] Father
[ ] Step-father
[ ] Step-mother
[ ] Step-sister
[ ] Step-brother
[x] Brother/s
[ ] Brother-in-law
[ ] Sister/s -
[ ] Sister-in-law
[ ] Half sister
[ ] Half brother
[x] Nephew
[x] Niece
[x] Mobile phone
[ ] Own bathroom
[x] Own room
[ ] Have/had a swimming pool
[ ] Have/had a hot tub
[ ] Guest room
[x] Living Room
[ ] Own computer
[ ] Own TV
Total so far: 8
[x] Full size/Queen bed
[ ] More than 8 pairs of shoes
[x] MP3 player/iPod
[ ] PS2/3
[ ] Nintendo DS or PSP or 64
[ ] Gameboy/Advance
[ ] Gamecub
[ ] Xbox/Xbox 360
[ ] Wii
[ ] Your own laptop
Total so far: 10
[ ] Basketball net/hoop
[ ] Air hockey table
[ ] Pool table
[ ] Ping pong table
[ ] Football table
Total so far: 10
[x] Night stand
[ ] Stereo in bedroom
[ ] DVD player in bedroom/portable
Total so far: 11
[x] Go shopping at least once a week
[ ] Expensive cologne/perfume
[x] Camera on phone
Total so far: 14
[ ] Go cart/car/quad
[ ] Guitar/drums/bass guitar
[x] Any other instrument
[ ] Been on a cruise
[ ] Traveled out of the continent
[ ] Had a personal trainer
[x] Expensive jewelery
[x] Met a celebrity
Total so far: 17
[ ] Straightener/curling iron
[ ] Have been to a batting cage
[ ] Have $100 on you right now in your pocket/wallet
[ ] Credit card or atm card or debit card or bank card
[ ] Have a TV in your room
[x] Mirror in your room
Total so far: 18
[x] Window in your room
[ ] Been to Paris
[ ] Been to Rome
[ ] Been to the Bahamas
[ ] Been to Mexico
[ ] Been to Jamaica
[ ] China
Total so far: 19
[x] Parents have a car
[ ] Have owned or own a jet ski/boat
[ ] Have/had a camper
[x] Been to 3+ states
[ ] 80+ buddies on Facebook/MySpace
Total so far: 21
[ ] Home cooked meal almost everyday
[ ] Been in a limo
[ ] Been in a helicopter
[ ] Own a camera
[ ] Have been to Disneyland
Total: 21
[ ] Have/had a dog
[ ] Have/had a cat
[ ] Have/had a bird
[ ] Have/had a snake
[x] Have/had a turtle
[ ] Have/had any other pet
Total: 22
Post as:
1-25 = Ghetto! (and tag 5 people)
26-40 = Average Teen! (and tag 10 people)
41-50 = Spoiled TEEN! (and tag 15 people)
51+ = Upper Class Snob! (and tag 20 people)
Posted by 杨韵怡的写作天堂 at 2:07 am 0 comments
11 May 2009
10 . 5 .09
My aunt wedding's day .
= wake up early
= eat some breakfast
= my aunt's wore a white dress and waited in the room
= the groom was arrived
= some girls were give many challenges to the groom and they also get many angpau
= a girl called me to opened the door to let the groom came in
= the groom finally meet my aunt
= the bride and the groom 敬茶 to my grandmother and grandfather : don't how to type the word in English
= went to their new house to have lunch
= back home
In the way of home ............ ( in Chinese )
: 发生了一场意外 。我妈妈撞车 。车子已被撞得损坏极了。我的颈上也有两道瘀清 ,是因为给安全带系住而成 。
= when we got to go to the wedding party , my grandmother's neck is extremely pain .
= we called the ambulance
= the ambulances is arrived and sent my grandmother to the damansara hospital
= wait a few minutes to check
= luckily ,it ok ,didnt have any problem
= we go to the wedding party
= everyone is crying , maybe they are too touch
= me and my cousin have a singing performance : 今天你要嫁给我
= back home
= Today , i didnt go to school cuz my neck is still pain .Luckily ,Yenling told me that the homework just 笔记 and 默写 .
Posted by 杨韵怡的写作天堂 at 5:59 am 0 comments
Today ,my aunt invited some guest to celebrate her wedding party will having at tomorrow in my house .
= my cousin family arrived and my mother fetch them
= rest for a while
= swim with my brother and my cousin
= taking a bath
= wear clothes
= some guest are came to my house
= went to the multipurpose hall : the place that celebrate
= eat some food
= play with my cousin's sister at the playground
= took some photoes
= the guest are going back home
= sleep
Wish to the person that see my blog : Have a nice day !!
Posted by 杨韵怡的写作天堂 at 5:52 am 0 comments
23 Apr 2009
BOLD what applies to you. Once you've finished, tag at least 10 people to do the same.
I would like to change my name. I'm loud. I'm obnoxious. I'm sarcastic. I'm cocky. I have a bad temper. For the most part, I don't like most people. I'm easy to get along with. I like to fight. I have more enemies than friends. I drink coffee. I clean my room daily. My room always looks like a tornado hit it.
APPEARANCE - I'm shorter than 5'2. I wear makeup . I wear a piece of jewelry at all times. I wear contacts. I wear/need glasses. I 've had currently have braces. I change my hair color often. I either straighten or curl my hair often. I have piercings that aren't in my ears. My ears are pierced.
RELATIONSHIPS - I'm in love. (It's fading away, so I don't think so.) I'm scared of being hurt. I've been hurt. An ex has physically abused me at least once. I've been cheated on in a relationship. I've told someone I loved them when I didn't. I've told someone I didn't love them when I did. I've been in love more than three times. I believe in love at first sight. I believe lust is more important than love.
FRIENDSHIPS - I've gotten a phone call in the last 24 hours from a friend. I've beaten up a friend. I've been in a serious fight with a friend. I can trust at least five people with my life. I'd give my life to save a close friend.
CLOTHES - I own a white hoodie. I own at least five pairs of jeans. I own at least ten pairs of shoes. I own a blue jacket. I own a pink jacket. I have at least five belts. I own at least three blue shirts. I own at least one pair of flip flops. I own at least two pairs of sweatpants. I've gone out in public in pajamas. I own at least three hoodies.
EXPERIENCES - I've been on a plane. I've been on a train. I've left the country. I've left the state/province. I've taken a taxi. I've taken a city bus. I've taken a school bus. I've gone bungee jumping. I've made a speech. I've been in some sort of club. I've won an award. I've spent 24 hours on the computer straight. I've been so angry I've punched a hole in the wall. I've been in a physical fight.
MUSIC - I listen to country music. I listen to pop music. I listen to rap. I listen to techno. I listen to R&B. I listen to punk. I'm one of those people who play songs repeatedly until I hate it. I hate the radio. I download music. I buy CD's.
TELEVISION - I spend at least six hours a day watching television. I watch soap operas daily. I'm in love with Days Of Our Lives. I've seen and love The OC. I've seen and like One Tree Hill. I've seen Popular. I've seen and like Everwood. I've seen and like House. I've seen and like Gilmore Girls.I've seen and liked CSI.
HAIR - I've cut my hair in the past year. I've dyed my hair in the past year. I've been blonde. I've had black. (I have black hair?) I've been red/reddish. I've been light brown. I've been orange. I've been dark brown. I've had streaks. I've had dark purple. I've been blue/green. I've gotten my hair thinned. I use conditioner. I've used silk therapy. I've used hot oil treatments. I've completely killed my hair. I've had dreadlocks. I've curled my hair. I straightened my hair. I've ironed my hair. I've braided my hair.
SCHOOL - I've thrown something at a teacher. I've yelled at a teacher. I've been suspended. I've been sent to the principal's office. I've walked out of class. I've skipped an entire day of school. I've skipped a whole month of one certain class. I've failed a test. I've cheated on a test. I've helped someone else cheat on a test. I've failed Art. I've failed P.E. I've failed Math. I've failed Socials. I've failed Science. I've failed another class. A teacher has called my parents. I've been caught skipping. I've been on the A/B honor roll. I've been on effort honor roll. (What do the last two mean? Cause I have no idea.)
Posted by 杨韵怡的写作天堂 at 3:31 am 0 comments
22 Apr 2009
100 truths
100 Truths! Copy and paste, then put in your own answers. Tag 15 people you're curious about and have them do the same.
1. last beverage→ Soya Bean
2. last phone call→ Yenling
3. last text message→ Yenling
4. last song you listened to→ S.H.E – 中国话
5. last time you cried→ ( ?????????????? ) Just guess it
6. dated someone twice → Nope
7. been cheated on → Nope
8. kissed someone & regretted it→ Nope.
9. lost someone special? → Yeah. Maybe
10. been depressed? → Yeah.
11. been drunk and threw up? → Nope
12. LIST THREE FAVORITE COLORS: Light Blue , Pink ,Purple ,White n Black
13. Made new friends → Yeah.
14. Fallen out of love → ????
15. Laughed until you cried → Yup.
16. Met someone who changed you → Yeah
17. Found out who your true friends were → Yup
18. Found out someone was talking about you → Yeah.. I think so
19. Kissed anyone on your friend's list→ Nope.
20. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life?→ 4 people
21. How many kids do you want to have→ Maybe below 3
22. Do you have any pets → Got a tortoise at Year 3
23. Do you want to change your name→ Nope , I like my name
24. What did you do for your last birthday? → Celebrate with my family
25. What time did you wake up today → Six o' clock
26. What were you doing at midnight last night → Sleeping
27. Name something you CANNOT wait for → The future , UPSR exam and my birthday
28. Last time you saw your father→ At March , I think
29. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life? → Too many
30. What are you listening to right now - Radio
31. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom -> Nope.
32. What's getting on your nerves right now? → Homework
33. Most visited webpage -> Blogger
34. Whats your real name → Amelia Yong Yun Yee
35. Nicknames→ Amelia , cause everybody call me like that , but my family call me 阿怡 ( in Cantonese )
36. Relationship Status → Single.
37. Zodiac sign → Libra
38. Male or female or transgender? → Female.
39. Elementary School? → ……….
40. Middle School → ???
41. High school → ( )
42. Hair color → 30% brown and 70% black , guess only
43. Long or short -> Long
44. Height → Forgot
45. Do you have a crush on someone? → Not really.
46. What do you like about yourself? → Maybe all
47. Piercings → …………….
48. Tattoos → Nope
49. Righty or lefty → Lefty , am I special ??
50. First surgery → Never had one
51. First piercing → …………
52. First best friend → Stephanie Lee Pei Xin
53. First sport you joined - Totally forgot.
54. First pet→ Tortoise
55. First vacation→ Went Kota Kinabalu with my parents
56. First concert→ Never go there before
57. First Crush→ ??????????
60. Listening to → Radio
61. Waiting for → Something
58. Want kids → Yeah , maybe
59. Want to get married → Yeah
60. Careers in mind → singer.
68. Lips or eyes → Eyes.
69. Hugs or kisses → Hugs.
70. Shorter or taller → Taller.
71. Older or Younger → Older a bit
72. Romantic or spontaneous → Romantic , but don’t too ROMANTIC , like Gary Hiew
73. Nice stomach or nice arms → Nice arms
74. Sensitive or loud → Loud a bit
75. Hook-up or relationship → Relationship.
77. Trouble maker or hesitant → ……………..
78. Kissed a stranger → Nope.
79. Drank hard liquor → No
80. Lost glasses/contacts → I didn’t have any glasses
81. Sex on first date → Huh ??????????
82. Broken someone's heart → I think so
83. Had your own heart broken → Why I wan to tell u ??
85. Been arrested → Nope
86. Turned someone down → Yeah.
87. Cried when someone died → Yes.
88. Liked a friend that is a guy → Nope
89. Yourself →Sometimes
90. Miracles → Yup
91. Love at first sight → Yup
92. Heaven → A bit.
93. Santa Claus → Yup , when I was 7 and 8 years old
95. Kiss on the first date? → ??????
96. Angels → A bit
97. Is there one person you want to be with right now? →Yup
98. Had more than one boyfriend/ girlfriend at one time? → Nope
100. Posting this as 100 Truths? → Yes.
Posted by 杨韵怡的写作天堂 at 4:27 am 0 comments
16 Apr 2009
Joyi's birthday party
Wow ,it is Joyi's birthday party ,we were play and sing .Everybody said that i tooo high that day .But i feel i quite happy that day . Let see some picture !What a beautiful girl !!!
Me n samantha , haha !Guess who is this ???
Me and Hui Yin !
Actually ,i'm uglier than Samantha , u see !
Ah ha ,me n yenling ,( finally )
When we at the karoake . hehe !!!
Me alone .
Posted by 杨韵怡的写作天堂 at 6:03 am 0 comments
23 Mar 2009
23.3.09 - No holidays
Back to 21.3.09 - My brother's birthday party
~ wake up
~ my aunt give my brother present-Ben 10 activity book(cuz he like Ben 10 )
~ my mother prepare something to cook the food first
~ i give my brother a present =) - A Lego and a Ben 10 storybook
~ my mother give my present toooo =) - A monopoly Ben 10
~ chat with yenling
~ eat lunch
~ my aunt's friends come to my house for my brother's birthday party
~ my mother started to cook the food
~ waiting some guess =( ( so hungry )
~ eat dinner
~ we are too full so we cannot finish it the food
~ play and talk together or watch tv
~ my brother open all the present(all also Ben 10 ,he feel so happy )
~ all the guess go back home
~ sleep
Soooooo , bad !!! No more holidays .I want to do wake up early again and do homework =( .
~ wake up
~ late to go to school
~ have time go to assembly ( The teacher no need to copy my name ,thnks god !!!)
~ go back to class
~ go to the 综合中心 to have the 激励课程 - 棒叔叔
~ spend 4 hours at there
~ go back to class
~ have Chinese lesson
~ recess
~ i cannot go down to eat lunch cuz the monitor copy down my name at last friday =(
~ at least can go down to eat lunch
~ go with Melissa
~ go back to class
~ have Malay lesson ( BORING )
~ go to fetch my brother from school
~ back home
~ watch tv ,use computer
~ eat dinner
~ writting blog now
Posted by 杨韵怡的写作天堂 at 5:44 am 0 comments
19 Mar 2009
My new email address
This is my new email address amelia_yee97@live.com.my .Remember 2 add me oh !!
Posted by 杨韵怡的写作天堂 at 2:17 am 0 comments
16 Mar 2009
16.3.09 - My holiday
- wake up early
- eat breakfast
- do my homework
- see somebody blog
- go to a shop to copy my 公民资料 for the project
- go to Gippy's house to give a book to her
- go back home
- watch TV
- go to swimming
- eat dinner - Macaroni
- watch TV
- reading novel
- go to sleep
Posted by 杨韵怡的写作天堂 at 8:10 pm 0 comments
7 Mar 2009
My badly results
Oh my got ,this is my badly results .
= write - 94.17% Ok lo ,not very good
= choose - 98% I think this one is the best one
= write - 83.33% Finally
= choose - 68% The worst one ,is tooooo bad
= 80% Finally pass already
Mathematics ( Chinese )
= 89% Ok lo ,but i want to get 90% above
= 92% Feel good
* Those subject have - ???? ,I will post it later when i get the results
Posted by 杨韵怡的写作天堂 at 7:39 pm 0 comments
Labels: the results
26 Feb 2009
25 Feb 2009
25.02.09- the second day of the exam : BC
Today is really unluckyday . It have a heavy rain and a traffic jam too. So ,it makes me late 10 minutes to arrived at school. But , i don't want to wait anymore so i run quickly go to my class and wet too. I also met jia ying when i walking up to my class . So ,we walk togather .
I quickly read my karangan book because that is no time to give me read tat kranga book . I hope i can A because this my greatest subject : Chinese . Finally ,i also choose the the format like ( lengkapkan cerita ) and write about my dream .......
Oh my got ! Times up ! I havn't finish my paper. Finally ,i quickly finish my paper cause teacher said if we don't quickly pass up the paper ,we will get 0 % .But ,my classmate havn't do finish yet. She just write 3 passage.
- recess with yenling - i always go recess with her. Quite......Nevermine
Having Science ,Chinese and English....... The Science teacher keep talking our diciplin ,this one , tat one .=:
At class , my friend hav brought some soft toys and i play with jia ying when we do finish our ce yan . The elephant is very cute because it nose have sound ; teddy bear also quite cute too ; the rabbit also very funny. Then ,our ban zhang want us to give a performance to our classmates but i didn't go it . Hahahahaha !
Yenling just quiet and read her book ,she like to read the ( ) books .And ,i feel she didnt talk to me. I think she is angry .=_=* o_0
Posted by 杨韵怡的写作天堂 at 3:13 am 0 comments
Labels: school
25.02.09- the first day of the exam : BM
Today , i almost late to go to school cause have traffic jam .I really hate traffic jam cause it makes me want to takes a long go to school =( . But , i reached at the class before the bell was rang .
After that,teacher came in .I just read a bit the karangan book cause it is soooooo boring and i also don't the meaning .
Then , teacher give us the exam paper . Finally , i can do all of us because it is so easy . At the Bahagian B ,i choose the : Lengkapkan cerita and bla bla bla......But the nilai murni i can't find the point so i just simply write it .I hope i can get at least 15 or 16 marks at the nilai murni . What a unlucky day !!!
- recess -
Had Art ,Chinese and....... I feel the Art teacher is quite weird ,cause she keep scold us ,and shout very loud .When jia ying and i go to the to toilet to wash the palette and the brush , we can heard her noise .Weird weird weird !!
- extra class-
go back home
Posted by 杨韵怡的写作天堂 at 2:33 am 0 comments
Labels: school
22 Feb 2009
7 Feb 2009
6 Feb 2009
the valentines day
Valentine's Day Countdown & MySpace Layouts


Posted by 杨韵怡的写作天堂 at 10:29 pm 0 comments
2 Feb 2009
The trip to Kota Kinabalu for celebrate Chinese New Year( the best day at Kota Kinabalu )
I stay at Sandakan just 4 days only . Then ,the 3 days i go to Kota Kinabalu to visit my cousin .
- Bye Sandakan
- go to Kota Kinabalu
- go back to my cousi's house
- put back the luggage
- rest for a while
- play my favourite games - The Sim
- eat lunch
- go to 1 Borneo for shopping
- play computer games
- play with my cousin's sister
- eat dinner
- watch some movies
- play computer games again : I very like the The Sim games ,because it is fun and
interesting to me
- sleep
Posted by 杨韵怡的写作天堂 at 1:44 am 0 comments
The trip to Sandakan for celebrate Chinese New Year(the best day at Sandakan ),25.1.09
This year i go to a place to celebrate Chinese New Year - Sandakan ( my hometown ) .I fell very happy because i can go back to see my grandmother and grandfather and can net my friends too .I go there with my mohter, brother and my aunt .We live my grandfather's house .The house is like apartment and my friend also live in there too .
- today must wake up early
- went to airport
- departed from Kuala Lumpur : It is so boring at plane, it took 2 hour and .. minutes
to arrive at Sandakan
- my grandfather fetched us
- we put back we're luggage at my grandfather's house
- go to eat seafood at 海上皇 : We order 甜酸鱼片,东风螺,炸豆腐 and 芝士虾 .Yummy !!
- go back to the house and rest for a while
- my brother and i go to my friend's house to play computer games
- eat dinner
- watch tv
- chat with my friend for a while
- go to sleep
This the BEST day that i at Sandakan .
Posted by 杨韵怡的写作天堂 at 1:20 am 0 comments
18 Jan 2009
I am Jay Chou's fans : I like Jay Chou very much n his song
He is so cool man !!!!!
I think he is busy !!!
He is toooooooooooo handsome !!!!
Always like to be cute but HE IS SO CUTE !!!
Hey yo , yo man , check it out
Posted by 杨韵怡的写作天堂 at 2:14 am 0 comments
13 Jan 2009
5 Jan 2009
Oh my got ,my nightmare start now !!!!! Today must go to school !!!!!!!!!
wake up very early in the morning because must go to school quickly
arrive at school ,my bag is toooooo heavy and it is hard to carry up to my class
because i didn't have timetable ,so i bring all of the books to school .=(
walk in the class and everybody look at me .Why ???? I walk to my place and talk to Yenling a while
Teacher Cheah come in and call us to swept the floor .But ,some of us are wipe the window or .........
Our monitor write the timetable on the whiteboard and call us to copy it quickly
When Teacher Lee come into the class ,she keep talking our discipline ,cannot keep talking at the class and bla bla bla ....
- Recess -
Yenling and me go to canteen eat some food .Then ,we keep talking about some songs ,Jay Chou and .....
Go back to class . Cikgu Effindi come in and teach us Malay
Then ,teacher cheah come in again and teach us Maths ,and we also do some exercise
- Home -
Online and chatting with Yenling ,then ,go swimming
- The End -
What a ordinary day !!!!
Posted by 杨韵怡的写作天堂 at 3:14 am 1 comments